I am now a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), advised by Prof. Xiaofang Zhou. Before that, I received my master’s degree in Computer Technology at Zhejiang University, advised by Prof. Xiaoye Miao, and received my bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at Zhejiang University, advised by Prof. Qinghai Zhang.
My research interest includes graph data management and graph neural networks. I have published 1 paper at the top international Database conference ICDE.
My personal blog page: LIU Yue’s blogs
🔥 News
- 2022.02: 🎉🎉 A paper is accepted by JCIM!
- 2021.10: 🎉🎉 A paper is accepted by ICDE!
📝 Publications
Reliable Community Search on Uncertain Graphs
Xiaoye Miao, Yue Liu, Lu Chen, Yunjun Gao, Jianwei Yin
Project |
- Abstract: In this paper, we study the community search problem on uncertain graphs.
Prediction of Maximum Absorption Wavelength Using Deep Neural Networks
Jinning Shao*, Yue Liu*, Jiaqi Yan*, Ze-Yi Yan, Yangyang Wu, Zhongying Ru, Jiayu Liao, Xiaoye Miao, Linghui Qian
Project |
- Abstract: In this paper, we develop AI models to predict the wavelengths of molecules.
🎖 Honors and Awards
- 2023.03 Outstanding Graduate at Zhejiang University
- 2022.10 China Optics Valley Scholarship (Top 1%)
- 2022.10 Outstanding Graduate Student
- 2022.10 Merit Graduate Student
📖 Educations
- 2023.09 - now, PhD student, Department of CSE, HKUST, Hong Kong SAR, China
- 2023.04 - 2023.08, Research Assistant, Department of CSE, HKUST, Hong Kong SAR, China
- 2020.09 - 2023.03, Master, Computer Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
- 2016.09 - 2020.06, Undergraduate, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
💬 Invited Talks
- 2022.05, Reliable Community Search on Uncertain Graphs, ICDE 22 | [video]
💻 Internships
- 2021.10 - 2022.05, Hikvision Research Institute, Hangzhou, China.